6 Ways to get rid of fly away hair

1.      Spray your hair with hairspray to tame flyaway hairs. Alternatively, you can spray your hairbrush with hairspray and then brush your hair to get rid of flyaway hairs.
2.      Use a shampoo formulated for frizzy hair. These shampoos can help you eliminate flyaway hairs and tame frizz.
3.      Apply a hair serum or gel to your hair to get rid of any flyaway hair. Silicone-based hair serums and gels will help keep your hair smooth and tame any unruly hairs at the same time.
4.      Put a small amount of cream or lotion through your hair. Any kind of hand or body lotion will work. Simply place a small amount of lotion in your hands and run your hands over the areas of flyaway hairs. Be sure not to use too much lotion or you can weigh your hair down.
5.      Run a dryer sheet across your hair. This helps eliminate static hair, and it tames flyaway hair at the same time.
6.      Dampen your hair to get rid of flyaways. Slightly wet your hands with water and run your hands through your hair to tame flyaway hairs. You could also use a spray bottle to spray water on the parts of your hair that have flyways.

Top 10 Timeless Fashion Tips

  1. The hour glass figure is forever in.
  2. You can't go wrong with a little black dress. Little and black always looks pricier than it is.
  3. Don't be to perfect. A messy up-do done right looks good and takes under 10 minutes.
  4. Embrace your so called "flaws". No one is perfect.
  5. A large dark pair of shades can stand the test of time.
  6. Dare to be different. Don't be afraid to make a statement.
  7. Denim never dies and it goes with everything.
  8. Be who you want to be and reinvent yourself.
  9. Simple can be better. You make the clothes, it doesn't make you.
  10. Confidence and a smile are your most fabulous accessories. Work it!!!!!
Top 10 Health Tips

  1. Follow a healthy, balanced diet; high in fiber low in fat good proportions and high nutritional value but low calories
  2. Eat different kinds of food; don't eat the same things everyday switch it up to build a healthier immune system
  3. Don't skip breakfast; it's true!! breakfast is the most important meal of they day to get your energy up metabolism going and keep you healthier in the long run
  4. Drink lots of water; about 7-8 cups a day cleanses your body and helps provide flawless skin
  5. Exercise regularly; 15-20 minutes a day of cardio is good for the heart and will make you feel great
  6. Do not smoke; smoking has never been good for you, it has been proven that it helps stimulate the process of aging
  7. Say NO to stress; take at least 15-20 minutes to do something you enjoy during the day, everyday!
  8. Take care of your teeth; dental health is important for your overall health
  9. Sleep well; at lease 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, lack of sleep affects hormone levels slow metabolism and cause weight gain
  10. Keep your brain active; read books get a hobby play an instrument to keep your brain storing and accessing information easily regardless of age
Other great tips

Wet your eye shadow brush with water just enough to dampen it, apply shadow as normal to help your make-up stay through the day.

Take olive oil the size of a pea and apply to wet hair at nighttime only. This gives your hair shine and repairs split ends.

Line the water line of your bottom lashes with a lighter eyeliner to open the eye area.

In a rush?! Grab a can of soda on the way out and apply under each eye. This will reduce puffiness.

For ease getting bangles on and off your wrist, slide a knee high nylon over your hand. Friction Free!!