Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spice it up on Valentine's Day!!

Instead of just giving gifts, try changing it up a bit and do something different for Valentines Day this'll partner will appreciate you for it.

  • Picnic Fun - Place a blanket on the floor with candles around and have your Valentine's meal as a candle-lit picnic with a bottle of your favorite bubbly.
  • The Gift of Time - Give a hand-made coupon for your partner to request a special wish. For example, a coupon good for back rub or a naughty desire. You can could have a lot of fun with these and they will spice up the relationship.
  • Have Sex in a Public Place -  Be creative and have fun but be responsible about the place you choose.
  • Go on a Wine Tasting Tour  - if you have local winery you can visit then that’s perfect! If not then create your own wine tasting adventure by picking out some of your favorite wines and then try pairing them with some fruit or cheese.
  • Take a Trip to Disney World - Disney has plenty to do for adults. Try staying in one of their premier resorts and letting them set up a package for you where your meals and drinks are included for a fun change of pace.
  • Make a Human Sundae – blind fold your partner and tease them by turning them into a human sundae. All you need to do is raid the kitchen and fridge for the most common sundae ingredients (make sure your lover likes them as there would be nothing worse to kill the mood then a mouthful of something they don't like). Common sundae components include chocolate syrup, caramel, cherries, strawberries, bananas, ice cream, and chopped nuts...YUM! 
  • Try on Lingerie at a Local Store – this is a great way to really tease your partner and get them worked up for lovemaking later. Victoria's Secret is a great place to start or if you're not sure where to go, try searching the internet for local lingerie shops near you. Let your partner pick out their favorite outfit and purchase it to take home with you.
  • Make a Rose Petal Bath – this is an oldie but goody and never ceases to knock the socks off your partner and make them fell like the angels are smiling down on them. It's really simple and you can make it special by adding your own unique touches. Try making a rose petal trail to the bathroom where a warm bubble bath is already waiting. Use candles and low lighting to set the mood and maybe have some of their favorite goodies like chocolate covered strawberries waiting for them so there's nothing for them to do but get undressed and get in the bathtub.
  • Read a Sexy Book Together - grab a really sexy, provocative book and start reading it together. Find something that is erotic enough to get you both in the mood for some really hot sex afterwards!
  • Couples Massage - I LOVE a good's so relaxing and comforting. Make an appointment for a couples massage together in the same room so you can gaze into each other's eyes and daydream about the night ahead.
  • Stay in a Local Hotel - stay in a local hotel and pretend your out of town on a trip. There's something really exciting about the idea of pretending to be somewhere else so bring a bottle of wine and your favorite outfit and pretend like your a tourist for the night.
  • Reenact your first day - Bring back those old butterflies!!!

Valentines Day isn't just for sweethearts but for all of your loved ones so here are so unique ideas for the entire family.

For Family and friends...

  • Balloon Goodies - Insert candy surprises into balloons before inflating them - add a folded-up Valentine's message then inflate each balloon. Tie with a red ribbon and attach to your loved one's chair for them to find Valentine's morning.
  • Scavenger Hunt - You can prepare this one for your spouse or for your children to enjoy. Write up little notes about how you feel and what they mean to you and place them around the house along with a candy heart or other treat. Add a riddle at the end of each note about where to find the next note. At the last note, have something special waiting there. For example, you can be waiting for your hubby in a candle-lit bubble bath with two glasses of wine. For your children, then can find a teddy bear or other toy or treat.
  • Valentine Notables - Little notes in their lunch boxes, on the bathroom mirror, in his briefcase, stuck on the car windshield, in his underwear drawer -- "I'm fortunate to have you!"

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